19. DIY Heba Pap (Premix) Recipe

DIY Recipe For Heba Pap Premix: When I first heard of Heba Pap, I was really keen to buy some and try it out asap. Alas I soon discovered stores in my town didn’t seem to stock it. YET I knew ladies in my health group, were discussing various stores that stocked it, in other…

18. More on Heba Pap + Recipes

Prior to discovering Heba I had already started experimeting with low carb baking, using banting friendly products. Friends were so encouraging, upon seeing pictures of my baking results and many would also attempt them thereafter and often get back to me with positive feedback. Some however complained that they just didn’t have the time to…

17. Heba Pap!

One of the most difficult things to adjust to for me, when I started LCHF, was having to learn  to eat meals, without the family favourite staples, I grew up eating. It was strange to now have to plan what to eat minus bread, rice, roti and another south African favorite staple of mine called…

16. Legumes: Friends or Foe?

*pic above gives approx carb count for 100g of above legumes. Peanuts,dhals and beans are legumes They were favourites of mine esp Dhal Gosht (for Friday or Saturday lunch) or Sugar/Butter Beans curry once a week or so in the past. I really loved eating them (and still do) at times. What I disliked though,…

15. What To Consume During I.F.

Intermittent fasting for fat loss and improving health is much easier than our relegious fasts, as you are allowed to drink water, black tea, coffee or cup -a -soup (I use qtr of a halaal stock cube which is about qtr carb, added to a mug of boiling water).  Small amounts of stevia, xylitol or…

14. Intermittent Fasting for Fat loss!

What is intermittent fasting, many may be wondering? It is a period of  abstaining from all food/drink as  Muslims do in Ramadaan from dawn till dusk. It could even be  abstaining from a particular food group or abstaining from glucose forming foods/drinks for a specified amount of time, which is practised by some of the…

13. Fruit Juices: Healthy or Not?

People are so brainwashed by the media that fruits are natural so are healthy, so fruit juices too must be very healthy. They will argue with you when you try to tell them it is not so (for everyone), and that they should ‘EAT’ their fruit (in moderate) amounts and not DRINK them!!! Also what…

12. Sweetners

For years I shunned artificial sweetners and stuck with using ‘sugar or honey’ as they were natural sweetners (and healthy?). It was only when I discovered LCHF and discovered the ailments I suffered from were signs of insulin resistence, that I knew I had to cut out or drastically reduce sugar in my diet! Either…

11. Extracted from a letter from Prof. Tim Noakes

This post is dedicated to all Diabetics and to those Pre-diabetic – may we all be able to educate ourselves sufficiently, in proper dietary guidelines, to improve our health. ttp://www.runnersworld.co.za/nutrition/novel-dietary-ideas/ So the first point is that this is not a diet, it is an eating plan for life – it is a life style. If…

10. Fat Bombs

When I first heard of ‘fat bombs’ I had an idea of them being something explosive, only to learn they were actually ‘healthy fat treats’. They could however l soon discovered, cause explosive situations in the toilet, if one was not fat adapted OR if one over indulged on fat treats .      …